Wednesday, 4 April 2012

*Thought Provoking Images* & Rant!

One of the Seven Deadly Sins "also known as Avarice or Covetousness, is, just like lust and gluttony, a sin of excess. However, Greed (as seen by the church) is applied to a very excessive or rapacious desire and pursuit for wealth, status and power."
"'Avarice' is more of a blanket term that describe many other example of Greed. These include, disloyalty, deliberate betrayal, or treason, especially for personal gain, for example through bribery."
As defined outside Christian writings, greed is an inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one's needs especially with respects to material wealth."

One of my best friends is doing an Animation degree in Malaysia, and we were brainstorming some ideas [over Skype] for his next project. [Click here for his Vimeo page]

 To cut a long story short, we wanted the informercial to be about some of the World's issues and came across the following photos which I think are really moving and inspiring! Don't know if it will be of any interest to you guys but I really wanted to share them! =)

The image on the right, hit home for me because oil has recently been found in Kenya, where I am from. I must say, I was not impressed in the slightest because this was literally the image that popped out in my head when I had heard the news.

It annoys me because the Western world goes and take the resources and leave them with nothing! Most likely, they will not even use the local for work, and if they do they will be paid peanuts! So at the end of the day Kenya will not even profit that much from increased employment.

I just wish that our politicians could resist the power of bribery and say no to the invaders! They are just as much to blame as those who come and take our resources! We should take a leaf out of north african countries such as Libia where each and every citizen profits from their oil, would you believe? I was actually amazed when my mother told me this. Their citizens actually receive the profits from the oil from their country!! Amazing! That's how Kenya should be, instead of being raped, so to speak, by the western part of the world!


All these images speak for themselves really =)

Here is a very interesting clip that talks about these issues in a quite an innovative way:
Coalition of the Willing

Showing a supposedly Eco-friendly car

Food for thought right???

Miss Naturally Natural 


  1. i like the pictures, where did you find them? they r so creative... they pass a whole lot of message, lyk u know, precise.. no long boring 3000 words piece.

    1. Aww glad you appreciate them! Yeah, the pictures are quite powerful =)

      I really should have linked the pictures actually. I don't have them to hand right now but I will put the links to them next week =)
